
Plastic Bag Waste: What Can I Do To Help?

Plastic Bag Waste: What Can I Do To Help?

As more cities across the country begin to restrict single-use plastic bags, it got us thinking. What if your city hasn’t taken any steps towards shopping sustainability yet?

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, state lawmakers have introduced at least 95 bills related to plastic bags in 2019.

However, there are still plenty of major metropolitan areas (and even small towns) that could use a little support in reducing plastic, so we’ve gathered a few ways you can help make a change in your community!

Use Compelling Statistics To Make Your Case

Did you know managing the 24 billion bags that end up in landfills costs $25 million dollars each year? We guarantee that will get the attention of local influencers. We've found other great resources for facts here

Strength in Numbers!

Band together with other community members to make the biggest impact. Get statements of support from local restaurants, leaders and business owners for your initiative. Use the compelling facts you've researched to make a case that appeals to their financial needs and practicality.

Educate Yourself (And Others! And Your Kids!)

Gain a deeper understanding of how your local government works. Attend local council meetings. Make public comments and work to get your ordinance on the agenda wherever you can. If you need to start small, so be it!

Get Your Message Online

Create a presence online and in your community for your cause. petitions, Facebook groups, tables at neighborhood events, local news media and email lists are valuable ways to spread your message (without creating a lot of paper waste!).

Use What Is Out There

Now that so many cities have enacted bans and restrictions on plastic bags, use what has worked for them! There are sample letters, legislation and more at your fingertips online. Tweak these materials to reflect your local community and you’ll be well on your way to eliminating thousands of plastic bags in your neighborhood!

Think Big!

What if your town already has plastic bag bans in place? Take sustainability to the next level and consider helping to ban polystyrene foam take-out food and beverage containers and replace them with comparable alternatives. Plastic straws and disposable silverware are prime for rethinking as well.

According to a 2011 Clean Water Action Study, 67% of litter in commercial streets is comprised of single-use disposable food and beverage packaging.

And, of course, the easiest and most impactful step you can take right away is to always remember your own eco-friendly bags when shopping!

Whether you’re headed to Target, the farmers market or the mall, Toolaloo keeps your reusable bags handy and organized for whenever you need them!

Toolaloo is available in two different colors on Amazon and on our website,