Our Story
Do you ever have the best intentions, and then at the last second it just doesn’t happen? Like eating sweets just after you’ve written out your new health plan, or in this case, forgetting my reusable bags! Often times, I have my reusable bags in the car, but then I don't bring them in the store. Or I bring them in, but there never seems to be enough room in my cart. Gah! So frustrating. My "aha" moment that led me to this venture came when I was at home one night complaining about this conundrum to my husband and kids. Keep in mind that I live in Colorado, a state that really values being eco-conscious. And I am definitely one of those people, but I realized, it’s really hard to do it when it’s inconvenient. So, I set out doing my research to find a better solution. In the process, I realized I wasn’t alone. Did you know that 99 million Americans use reusable bags, but forget them 40% of the time? On one hand, that statistic made me feel better. On the other hand, it made me more excited and motivated to create a solution. That’s when Toolaloo was born. And YES, she’s my baby! Along with my other babies of course ;) I hope you enjoy the product as much as I do.
- Erica
Enjoy a sneak peek behind-the-scenes of our photoshoot below!